Knots & Lashings Resources
Which Knot Should I Use?
Joining Ends of Two Ropes
Join two ropes with compact, neat knot
Join two ropes of unequal size
Join string ends to secure a parcel
Stop a Rope's End Unraveling
Make a Loop in a Piece of Rope
Make a loop in the end of a rope
Make a loop in middle of piece of rope
Adjustable Loop using Rolling Hitch
Make a permanent loop in end of rope
Lash two poles for weight bearing
Lash diagonal poles for bracing
Attach Rope to Pole, Ring, Cleat
Basic Knots
Coil a Rope
Take the Load Off a Taut Line
Attach a rope to another taut rope
Lift Barrel with Rope
Attach a rope to barrel for lifting
Slide and Grip Knots
Slide & Grip with the end of a rope
Secure a Tarpaulin
Adjustable ridge line for tent
Tighten a tarpaulin with a 3:1 purchase
Make a Rope Ladder
Use marlinspike hitches to make ladder
Stopper Knot
Reliable stopper knot in rope end
Shorten a Rope
Reduces rope's length (unreliable)
Tow a Log or Spar
Attach rope temporarily to a spar or log
Set a Tent
Knots by Scouting Requirement
Merit Badge Requirements
Climbing Merit Badge
Double Fisherman's Knot (Grapevine Knot)
Fishing and Fly-Fishing Merit Badges
Turle (omitted as it is one of the weakest knots)
Pioneering Merit Badge
Round Turn with Two Half Hitches
Sheepshank (included very reluctantly – too high a failure rate)
Rowing Merit Badge
Round Turn with Two Half-Hitches
Tumble Hitch (Added, see below)
Mooring Hitch (omitted, Tumble Hitch better alternative)
Wellman's Knot (omitted, Tumble Hitch better alternative)
Small Boat Sailing Merit Badge